Anne Bowtell
2009-12-28 21:34:58 UTC
I'm in the process of going through the viewlets in plonetheme.sunburst
to document them in the theme reference (I'm using Plone 4 alpha 3).
I've got a couple of questions:
1. What's happened to plone.document_actions? The document actions are
there in portal_actions, but the viewlet seems to just render an empty div.
2. Is it intentional to not have the path-bar (breadcrumbs) in
to document them in the theme reference (I'm using Plone 4 alpha 3).
I've got a couple of questions:
1. What's happened to plone.document_actions? The document actions are
there in portal_actions, but the viewlet seems to just render an empty div.
2. Is it intentional to not have the path-bar (breadcrumbs) in