1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
We are define a methology for translations that help in this process for
that using CAT tools, vocabularies, translations memory files (TMX files)
and dictionaries files.


The stage of Plone Spanish translations is:

- Integrating original Plone vocabularies from plone.app.locales to those
translations resources as vocabularies files (.tab files) for integrate or
use with the CAT tool.

- Review the document about translation methology that explain en more
details the roles, resources and tools can be using for translations.

- Translations po files for plone.app.ldap plone.app.caching.

Let me know if you would like join and help in this crusade
I'm translating the Plone 4 User's Manual
to Spanish. I would like to share the results, but I can't find the
licence of the manual.
If there is no licence explicitly attached to it, that means a standard
copyright (resctrictive) licence, so I would not be allowed to publish
I would like to know the licence, and I would ask you to specify it with
the manual, if possible.
Also, it would be good if the licence was as free as possible, so that
every effort, be it commercial or not, reverts to the community.
BTW, having the sources for the drawings in the manual would be very
Thank you.
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T.S.U. Leonardo Caballero
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Hi Pablo.<br><br>Thanks you for you initiative<br><br>