[Plone-docs] Thinking about a roadmap for docs + products infrastructure
Jon Stahl
2012-02-09 04:05:26 UTC
Hi all!

In preparation for the upcoming Cioppino Sprint, which will likely
focus largely on improving plone.org, I took a bit of time to think
about what a roadmap for improving the infrastructure of our docs +
products sections could look like. My thinking is grounded in two key

1) The experiments we've been doing with Github version-controlled,
Sphinx-rendered documentation has been highly successful (thanks,
Mikko & Dylan for showing us the way!) and we should base our future
around this appraoch.

2) For products, we need to transition towards a "scrape data from
Pypi" type approach, again the actions of our developers are speaking
loudly here.

I've taken a stab at writing up some more detailed thoughts that are
still half-baked, but I'd like to offer them up for
comments/feedback/constructive edits.


You'll be able to add ideas/comment/etc there.

It is my hope that in a week or two, we'll have a reasonable working
consensus around a path forward. I'll then try to turn these into a
bit of a "roadmap" document that will inform the Cioppino sprinters'
agenda (no promises).

Jon Stahl
MPA Candidate, Evans School of Public Affairs
University of Washington
