[Plone-docs] Post-sprint quick update
Mikko Ohtamaa
2012-10-17 10:32:51 UTC

I am planning to write a longer post in the future; this is just quick
summary of ongoing documentation team work.

- Moving tutorials and manuals to collective.developermanual so that old
p.org documentation sections can be taken down. Currently UNFINISHED:
Dexterity manual, Theme reference for Plone 3 - poke on #plone-docs on IRC
if you have free hands

- Open developer.plone.org domain where the documentation will be hosted.
Currently engaged with admin team to get this finished.

- Documentation team issues are now tracked at
https://github.com/collective/collective.developermanual - migrated the
issues from the old repository, but might have lost comments


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View this message in context: http://plone.293351.n2.nabble.com/Post-sprint-quick-update-tp7560299.html
Sent from the Documentation Team mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
David Glick
2012-10-17 22:44:37 UTC
Post by Mikko Ohtamaa
I am planning to write a longer post in the future; this is just quick
summary of ongoing documentation team work.
- Moving tutorials and manuals to collective.developermanual so that old
Dexterity manual, Theme reference for Plone 3 - poke on #plone-docs on IRC
if you have free hands
In addition to the Dexterity manual on plone.org, there's also a
sphinxified version in plone.app.dexterity (thanks to Giacomo Spettoli
who really should have introduced himself to me at the conference
because he deserves a drink for that) which is published at
http://dexterity-developer-manual.readthedocs.org/en/latest/. I don't
really care where it ends up as long as there's one location that the
other current copies redirect to.
Giacomo Spettoli
2012-10-18 13:11:01 UTC
Post by David Glick
Post by Mikko Ohtamaa
I am planning to write a longer post in the future; this is just quick
summary of ongoing documentation team work.
- Moving tutorials and manuals to collective.developermanual so that old
Dexterity manual, Theme reference for Plone 3 - poke on #plone-docs on IRC
if you have free hands
as David says, the Dexterity manual has been moved to rtd and at the
ploneconf was proposed to merge it in some way into the CDM....the only
things left that are worthy of a sphinxification are some howtos pointed
out by Steve ("howto installing dexterity", "how is dexterity related to
archetypes" and things like that).
I'm planning to find some time for that in the we.

Post by David Glick
In addition to the Dexterity manual on plone.org, there's also a
sphinxified version in plone.app.dexterity (thanks to Giacomo Spettoli
who really should have introduced himself to me at the conference
because he deserves a drink for that)which is published at
http://dexterity-developer-manual.readthedocs.org/en/latest/. I don't
really care where it ends up as long as there's one location that the
other current copies redirect to.
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Giacomo Spettoli

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