Israel Saeta Pérez
2010-12-14 17:37:14 UTC
I think we need to keep the copy for a eat our own dog food
stance plus so search works.
I think that is debatable, but I see your point. Personally, I'm notstance plus so search works.
going to champion that cause right now because I'm swamped. But you are
already doing all the work anyway ;-)
In general, I agree it's nice to be able to upload the c.developermanual
content to PHC. But I have "maintenance phobia" about a lot of Plone
infrastructure these days.
Is it confusing to keep both though?
Not IMHO. We have a few cases like this where some community memberargues for an alternate presentation of the same data (c.f. Wiggy and
the plone theme vs. trac theme debate of 2009).
Presentation and UI are important, and Sphinx gets it right IMHO
(elegant, simple, just works, does not get in the way, etc.)
Anyway, let's not forget the subject of this thread: displaying
c.developermanual prominently on (with a
link to
Who can we get to do this? I nominate Jon Stahl! (Because I believe he
was the last one to re-org/cleanup that page).
Does this link fit here?
-- israel