I think that is a great idea. I've been doing the same (in a personal doc) the past week since I am moving from RHEL to Ubuntu hosts. I also have been through repairing a 3.2.2 buildout with the help of Chris Ewing's 3.1 howto and the assistance of a few nightowls in the IRC.
While I agree that 99% of the docs would be the same, the bear is in those 1% of undocumented differences, that is where time gets wasted and people get frustrated. Most OS projects provide distro-specific setup instructions assuming no reqiurements are already installed. If someone is willing to put together the document to documentation standards, shouldn't it be made available? Even if it is just how to get the right bits and pieces of python installed. For instance, there is a bug in the Ubuntu 9.10 Python 2.4 PIL package that causes PIL to not function after system reboot, suffice it to say that there are couple added steps aside from the apt-get (aptitude) install of the appropriate packages.
Guy Heckman
Systems Design Specialist
Research, Instruction, & Information Technology Group
Smeal College of Business
The Pennsylvania State University
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On Jan 8, 2010, at 9:41 AM, David Hostetler wrote:
I applaud your effort, but I would much prefer to see the energy spent on plone installation docs be shepherded around general resources, rather than distro-specific documents.
Regardless of whether we're talking about the universal installer, or a raw from-scratch buildout, there are little to no distro-specific details involved.
If there were separate how-to's for ubuntu, gentoo, debian, fedore, suse, centos, etc.. they would be 99% identical, save for the very first step of a buildout how-to which might describe getting python and virtualenv installed via a native package manager, just so you could get the buildout sandbox started. After that, your distro is fairly moot.
- to serve as a place to keep track of tricks people use to get/keep their
buildouts working, as these are now scattered over various blog posts
That in particular is a category of collective wisdom that I think would be much better served in a general document than in something distro-specific. Unless you mean that there are literally Ubuntu-specific things that influence buildout frequently enough that it merits its own document. But that seems unlikely.
On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 08:21, Kees Hink <***<mailto:***>> wrote:
For some time now, I've been keeping track (in a blog post) of the steps
required to install a Plone buildout on Ubuntu. I'm wondering if there might be
enough value in it to add is a a how-to on<>. I've added the how-to on
It might be useful:
- for people who are considering to install Plone on a Debian/Ubuntu server;
- in the situation where a Unified Installer is not yet available;
- to serve as a place to keep track of tricks people use to get/keep their
buildouts working, as these are now scattered over various blog posts
Ultimately, i'd like to share the document with other Ubuntu-using Plone devs,
and make it apply to other Linux distributions as well.
On the other hand, maybe there's no use for yet another how-to-install on<>. In this case, I'll just keep it on as a blog post, and whoever knows
Google will find it.
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