[Plone-docs] Some stats on plone documentation usage
Jon Stahl
2012-03-15 22:55:50 UTC
Since we have a bit a conversation starting about Plone documentation,
I though it would be helpful and interesting to share some stats from
Plone.org's Google Analytics account about what people are looking for
and finding w/r/t Plone.org documentation. (If anyone has interesting
stats on our various externally-hosted docs, e.g. RTD, I'd love to get
them or get access to them.)

First, some toplines:

Our docs section got about 500k visits in the past year originating
with a search (the vast majority of searches from Google, no surprise
there.) We also had about 85k searches on plone.org, excluding
searches originating in the Products section. So, while it is true
that most of people "search plone.org via Google" we are still seeing
a substantial fraction of search usage happening internally. So I
think it is important that we continue to invest in making plone.org
searching as good as it can be.

I also think it is interesting to look at the most commonly used
search terms and landing pages. I looked at three things:

1) Top 100 Documentation pages reached via external (Google) searches
2) Top 100 Google Search terms landing on plone.org
3) Top 100 searches performed on plone.org (excluding searches
starting in /products)

Data dump below, but here's some interpretation:

- Wow, looks like we've SEO-optimized for "xxx," let's slap some ads
up there. ;-)
- lots of interest in ldap, windows, webdav, active directory.
- Also seeing strong interest in diazo, dexterity other core components
- Common features like blogs, forums, handling PDFS, calendars, facebook, rss
- Lots of KB articles in our Top 100, this could be because we've
moved lots of our official manual content off-site.

Anyway, I hope this provides some useful food for thought for
documentation authors, editors and developers.


1) Top 100 Documentation pages reached via external (Google) searches

Landing Page Visits
/documentation/glossary/xxx 20,224
/documentation 10,320
/documentation/kb/webdav 7,364
/documentation/kb/plone-apache/virtualhost 6,885
/documentation/kb/ldap-in-windows 6,517
/documentation/kb/using-pdb 6,278
/documentation/manual/plone-community-developer-documentation/serving/http-request-and-response 3,786
/documentation/phc_topic_area?topic=Users,+Authentication,+and+Permissions 3,602
/documentation/kb/single-sign-on-with-active-directory 3,322
/documentation/kb/internet-explorer-invisible-text 3,290
/documentation/kb/installing-a-plone-buildout-on-ubuntu 3,235
/documentation/manual/developer-manual/indexing-and-searching/querying-the-catalog 3,227
/documentation/kb/changing-the-admin-password 3,131
/documentation/faq/on-windows-xp-i-get-no-python-installation-found-in-the-registry-when-installing-certain-products-1 3,083
/documentation/kb/plone-apache/preface 3,035
/documentation/kb/add-ons/installing 3,011
/documentation/kb/backup-plone 2,995
/documentation/kb/how-to-embed-content-flickr-youtube-or-myspace 2,947
/documentation/kb/csv-files-display-browser-window-inline-excel 2,907
/documentation/kb/using-z3c.form-forms-in-plone/tutorial-all-pages 2,859
/documentation/manual/developer-manual/managing-projects-with-buildout/understanding-buildout.cfg 2,795
/documentation/kb/customizing-main-template-viewlets/tutorial-all-pages 2,635
/documentation/kb/using-jquery-to-write-dependent-comboboxes 2,580
/documentation/kb/developing-plone-with-eclipse/setting-up-pythonpath-in-eclipse 2,572
/documentation/manual/developer-manual/archetypes/fields/widgets-reference 2,548
/documentation/manual/developer-manual/archetypes/fields/fields-reference 2,500
/documentation/movies/ 2,484
/documentation/manual/plone-4-user-manual/referencemanual-all-pages 2,308
/documentation/manual/plone-4-user-manual/introduction/plone-user-accounts 2,212
/documentation/manual/developer-manual/managing-projects-with-buildout 2,204
/documentation/kb/plone-with-apache 2,188
/products/dexterity/documentation/manual/developer-manual/referencemanual-all-pages 2,148
/documentation/error/attribute-flock 2,132
/documentation/manual/plone-4-user-manual 2,132
/documentation/error/importerror-no-module-named-implpython 2,092
/documentation/kb/singlesignonwindowsdomains 2,068
/documentation/manual/upgrade-guide 1,933
/documentation/error/ie500error 1,893
/documentation/kb/plone-behind-varnish-using-pound-for-ssl 1,845
/products/dexterity/documentation/manual/developer-manual 1,845
/documentation/topic/Configuration+and+Set-Up 1,837
/documentation/manual/developer-manual/managing-projects-with-buildout/creating-a-buildout-for-your-project 1,813
/documentation/faq/where-can-i-host-my-plone-site 1,797
/documentation/kb/addiconsortextwithlinks 1,749
/documentation/kb/i18n-for-developers 1,749
/products/tinymce/documentation/manual/tinymce-user-manual/referencemanual-all-pages 1,733
/documentation/kb/use-paster 1,725
/documentation/faq/what-is-a-cms 1,661
/documentation/kb/setup-from-source 1,661
/documentation/kb/backup-and-recover-data-fs-in-linux 1,653
/documentation/kb/plone-on-debian-etch 1,605
/documentation/kb/redirect-to-a-url-or-default-view 1,605
/documentation/kb/archgenxml-getting-started/relationships 1,597
/documentation/manual/theme-reference 1,597
/documentation/error/ioerror-decoder-jpeg-not-available 1,565
/documentation/kb/secure-login-without-plain-text-passwords 1,565
/documentation/manual/plone-community-developer-documentation/searching-and-indexing/query 1,549
/documentation/kb 1,541
/documentation/kb/change-the-logo-in-plone-3 1,517
/documentation/kb/using-buildout-on-windows 1,517
/documentation/kb/ask-for-help 1,501
/documentation/kb/enable-full-text-indexing-of-word-documents-and-pdfs-in-plone-3-0-gnu-linux 1,453
/documentation/kb/multiple-plone-sites-per-zope-instance-using-separate-data-fs-files-for-each-one 1,373
/documentation/manual/upgrade-guide/version/upgrading-plone-3-x-to-4.0/updating-add-on-products-for-plone-4.0/no-more-global-definitions-in-templates 1,365
/documentation/kb/plone-apache 1,357
/documentation/manual/developer-manual 1,341
/documentation/books 1,325
/documentation/kb/customizing-main-template-viewlets/overriding-a-viewlet 1,325
/documentation/kb/developing-plone-with-eclipse/creating-eclipse-project 1,317
/documentation/error 1,301
/documentation/kb/working-with-resourceregistries/tutorial-all-pages 1,301
/documentation/manual/plone-community-developer-documentation/serving/traversing 1,301
/documentation/manual/theme-reference/page/using-jquery-and-jquery-tools 1,286
/documentation/error/nonetype-keys 1,278
/documentation/kb/authenticating-with-active-directory 1,278
/documentation/manual/theme-reference/quick-start/change-the-logo 1,278
/documentation/manual/developer-manual/archetypes/referencemanual-all-pages 1,270
/documentation/manual/installing-plone/referencemanual-all-pages 1,262
/documentation/manual/theme-reference/buildingblocks/skin/templates/advanced-usage 1,262
/documentation/kb/flickering-background-images-internet-explorer 1,254
/documentation/kb/creating-a-content-type-for-plone-3-for-developers 1,246
/documentation/kb/svn-import-to-plone-collective-unix 1,238
/documentation/kb/handle-accented-characters-using-utf8-encoding-in-mysql 1,222
/documentation/faq/how-do-i-restart-zope 1,214
/documentation/kb/developing-plone-with-eclipse/creating-a-new-project-and-managing-your-project-with-subclipse 1,206
/documentation/manual 1,198
/documentation/kb/simple-soap-client-using-suds 1,190
/documentation/manual/installing-plone/installation-quick-guide 1,166
/documentation/manual/theme-reference/buildingblocks/skin/style-sheets/css/css-quick-start 1,166
/documentation/kb/replacing-tabs-with-images 1,118
/documentation/manual/developer-manual/archetypes 1,118
/documentation/kb/changing-tabs 1,110
/documentation/kb/collaboration-using-the-sharing-tab/creating-a-simple-intranet 1,086
/documentation/kb/active-directory-authentication 1,078
/documentation/manual/upgrade-guide/version/upgrading-plone-3-x-to-4.0/updating-add-on-products-for-plone-4.0/referencemanual-all-pages 1,078
/documentation/manual/installing-plone/installing-on-linux-unix-bsd/debian-libraries 1,070
/documentation/kb/apache-ssl 1,062
/documentation/kb/enable-indexing-of-pdf-and-word-docs-with-windows-in-five-steps-occurs-three-minutes-without-problems 1,054
/documentation/kb/using-macros-and-metal-in-plone-page-templates 1,046
/documentation/kb/simple-etc-rc-d-init-d-script-for-zeocluster 1,030

2) Top 100 Google Search terms landing on plone.org

Search Term Total Unique Searches
ldap 1,034
diazo 984
forum 946
blog 896
pdf 822
dexterity 780
facebook 763
calendar 722
ploneboard 687
wiki 665
video 659
demo 617
gallery 536
theme 524
collage 521
rss 517
buildout 512
ploneformgen 508
carousel 506
twitter 504
upgrade 492
captcha 477
mobile 449
workflow 447
portlet 444
upload 430
widget 402
form 389
google 371
social 369
menu 367
newsletter 362
editor 354
chat 350
redirect 350
tinymce 346
plone 341
plomino 331
themes 316
active directory 313
jquery 309
navigation 307
search 295
flowplayer 281
linguaplone 279
zope 279
survey 274
image 271
plone.app.theming 271
apache 269
PloneFormGen 268
poi 268
mail 267
dropdown 265
mysql 259
kupu 255
paster 255
collective 254
slideshow 253
fckeditor 247
ckeditor 246
formgen 243
zettwerk 242
intranet 233
portlets 230
backup 229
board 228
hotfix 227
cache 226
webdav 226
database 224
migration 224
xdv 223
maps 222
booking 221
install 213
logo 210
news 208
LDAP 207
flash 200
sql 197
css 196
plumi 195
email 194
photo 194
shop 194
python 193
archetypes 192
collections plone 3 188
portlets in the content column 187
language 185
forms 183
faq 180
getpaid 176
banner 175
discussion 170
Ploneboard 167
security 165
tag 164
raptus 163

3) Top 100 searches performed on plone.org (excluding searches
starting in /products)

Search Term Start Page Total Unique Searches
demo / 224
dexterity / 174
redirect /documentation/kb/redirect-to-a-url-or-default-view 158
portlets in the content column /documentation/kb/changing-tabs 128
upgrade /documentation 123
widget /documentation/manual/developer-manual/archetypes/fields/widgets-reference 116
.pid (entrance) 108
diazo / 108
default.cfg (entrance) 97
ldap / 92
diazo (entrance) 90
themes / 89
dexterity /documentation 88
buildout /documentation 87
facebook / 79
logo / 79
hotfix / 78
mobile / 72
calendar / 71
ploneformgen / 70
theme / 69
demo /documentation 67
forum (entrance) 67
upgrade / 64
wiki / 64
captcha (entrance) 63
workflow /documentation 63
carousel / 60
fckeditor / 58
portlets in the content column (entrance) 58
widget (entrance) 57
blog / 56
collections plone
3 /documentation/kb/enable-collection-indices-fields-for-searching-for-custom-types 56
security / 55
video / 55
buildout / 54
redirect (entrance) 54
zope / 54
ldap /documentation 53
blog (entrance) 52
ldap (entrance) 52
tinymce / 52
migration /documentation 51
plomino / 51
ploneboard / 50
deco / 49
collage / 48
plone.app.theming / 48
rss / 46
workflow / 46
install /documentation 45
paster /documentation/manual/plone-community-developer-documentation/views/browserviews 45
pdf (entrance) 44
pdf / 44
apache / 43
forum / 42
products / 42
using frames in plone (entrance) 42
intranet / 41
xdv / 41
jquery / 40
python / 40
backup /documentation 39
collage (entrance) 39
migration / 39
plone / 39
workflow (entrance) 39
apache (entrance) 38
gallery / 38
generate pdf file (entrance) 38
portlet / 38
dexterity (entrance) 37
getpaid (entrance) 37
mysql / 37
calendar (entrance) 36
navigation (entrance) 36
apache /documentation 35
newsletter / 35
PloneFormGen / 35
twitter / 34
test / 33
webdav / 33
collections plone
3 /documentation/manual/theme-reference/buildingblocks/components/viewletsandportlets 32
ploneboard (entrance) 32
theme (entrance) 32
buildout (entrance) 31
flowplayer / 31
linguaplone / 31
anchors (entrance) 30
captcha /documentation/faq/how-can-i-test-which-version-of-plone-i-have-running 30
conference / 30
diazo /documentation 30
google / 30
nginx / 30
raptus / 30
wiki (entrance) 30
backup / 29
twitter (entrance) 29
paster /documentation 28
portlets / 28
Jon Stahl
MPA Candidate, Evans School of Public Affairs
University of Washington
Tom Kapanka
2012-03-16 16:50:58 UTC
To me, this is another argument for keeping our documentation "local"; we have access to analytics. Not sure if we can get stats from other areas like RTD. I can be corrected though.


Post by Jon Stahl
Since we have a bit a conversation starting about Plone documentation,
I though it would be helpful and interesting to share some stats from
Plone.org's Google Analytics account about what people are looking for
and finding w/r/t Plone.org documentation. (If anyone has interesting
stats on our various externally-hosted docs, e.g. RTD, I'd love to get
them or get access to them.)
Our docs section got about 500k visits in the past year originating
with a search (the vast majority of searches from Google, no surprise
there.) We also had about 85k searches on plone.org, excluding
searches originating in the Products section. So, while it is true
that most of people "search plone.org via Google" we are still seeing
a substantial fraction of search usage happening internally. So I
think it is important that we continue to invest in making plone.org
searching as good as it can be.
I also think it is interesting to look at the most commonly used
1) Top 100 Documentation pages reached via external (Google) searches
2) Top 100 Google Search terms landing on plone.org
3) Top 100 searches performed on plone.org (excluding searches
starting in /products)
- Wow, looks like we've SEO-optimized for "xxx," let's slap some ads
up there. ;-)
- lots of interest in ldap, windows, webdav, active directory.
- Also seeing strong interest in diazo, dexterity other core components
- Common features like blogs, forums, handling PDFS, calendars, facebook, rss
- Lots of KB articles in our Top 100, this could be because we've
moved lots of our official manual content off-site.
Anyway, I hope this provides some useful food for thought for
documentation authors, editors and developers.
1) Top 100 Documentation pages reached via external (Google) searches
Landing Page Visits
/documentation/glossary/xxx 20,224
/documentation 10,320
/documentation/kb/webdav 7,364
/documentation/kb/plone-apache/virtualhost 6,885
/documentation/kb/ldap-in-windows 6,517
/documentation/kb/using-pdb 6,278
/documentation/manual/plone-community-developer-documentation/serving/http-request-and-response 3,786
/documentation/phc_topic_area?topic=Users,+Authentication,+and+Permissions 3,602
/documentation/kb/single-sign-on-with-active-directory 3,322
/documentation/kb/internet-explorer-invisible-text 3,290
/documentation/kb/installing-a-plone-buildout-on-ubuntu 3,235
/documentation/manual/developer-manual/indexing-and-searching/querying-the-catalog 3,227
/documentation/kb/changing-the-admin-password 3,131
/documentation/faq/on-windows-xp-i-get-no-python-installation-found-in-the-registry-when-installing-certain-products-1 3,083
/documentation/kb/plone-apache/preface 3,035
/documentation/kb/add-ons/installing 3,011
/documentation/kb/backup-plone 2,995
/documentation/kb/how-to-embed-content-flickr-youtube-or-myspace 2,947
/documentation/kb/csv-files-display-browser-window-inline-excel 2,907
/documentation/kb/using-z3c.form-forms-in-plone/tutorial-all-pages 2,859
/documentation/manual/developer-manual/managing-projects-with-buildout/understanding-buildout.cfg 2,795
/documentation/kb/customizing-main-template-viewlets/tutorial-all-pages 2,635
/documentation/kb/using-jquery-to-write-dependent-comboboxes 2,580
/documentation/kb/developing-plone-with-eclipse/setting-up-pythonpath-in-eclipse 2,572
/documentation/manual/developer-manual/archetypes/fields/widgets-reference 2,548
/documentation/manual/developer-manual/archetypes/fields/fields-reference 2,500
/documentation/movies/ 2,484
/documentation/manual/plone-4-user-manual/referencemanual-all-pages 2,308
/documentation/manual/plone-4-user-manual/introduction/plone-user-accounts 2,212
/documentation/manual/developer-manual/managing-projects-with-buildout 2,204
/documentation/kb/plone-with-apache 2,188
/products/dexterity/documentation/manual/developer-manual/referencemanual-all-pages 2,148
/documentation/error/attribute-flock 2,132
/documentation/manual/plone-4-user-manual 2,132
/documentation/error/importerror-no-module-named-implpython 2,092
/documentation/kb/singlesignonwindowsdomains 2,068
/documentation/manual/upgrade-guide 1,933
/documentation/error/ie500error 1,893
/documentation/kb/plone-behind-varnish-using-pound-for-ssl 1,845
/products/dexterity/documentation/manual/developer-manual 1,845
/documentation/topic/Configuration+and+Set-Up 1,837
/documentation/manual/developer-manual/managing-projects-with-buildout/creating-a-buildout-for-your-project 1,813
/documentation/faq/where-can-i-host-my-plone-site 1,797
/documentation/kb/addiconsortextwithlinks 1,749
/documentation/kb/i18n-for-developers 1,749
/products/tinymce/documentation/manual/tinymce-user-manual/referencemanual-all-pages 1,733
/documentation/kb/use-paster 1,725
/documentation/faq/what-is-a-cms 1,661
/documentation/kb/setup-from-source 1,661
/documentation/kb/backup-and-recover-data-fs-in-linux 1,653
/documentation/kb/plone-on-debian-etch 1,605
/documentation/kb/redirect-to-a-url-or-default-view 1,605
/documentation/kb/archgenxml-getting-started/relationships 1,597
/documentation/manual/theme-reference 1,597
/documentation/error/ioerror-decoder-jpeg-not-available 1,565
/documentation/kb/secure-login-without-plain-text-passwords 1,565
/documentation/manual/plone-community-developer-documentation/searching-and-indexing/query 1,549
/documentation/kb 1,541
/documentation/kb/change-the-logo-in-plone-3 1,517
/documentation/kb/using-buildout-on-windows 1,517
/documentation/kb/ask-for-help 1,501
/documentation/kb/enable-full-text-indexing-of-word-documents-and-pdfs-in-plone-3-0-gnu-linux 1,453
/documentation/kb/multiple-plone-sites-per-zope-instance-using-separate-data-fs-files-for-each-one 1,373
/documentation/manual/upgrade-guide/version/upgrading-plone-3-x-to-4.0/updating-add-on-products-for-plone-4.0/no-more-global-definitions-in-templates 1,365
/documentation/kb/plone-apache 1,357
/documentation/manual/developer-manual 1,341
/documentation/books 1,325
/documentation/kb/customizing-main-template-viewlets/overriding-a-viewlet 1,325
/documentation/kb/developing-plone-with-eclipse/creating-eclipse-project 1,317
/documentation/error 1,301
/documentation/kb/working-with-resourceregistries/tutorial-all-pages 1,301
/documentation/manual/plone-community-developer-documentation/serving/traversing 1,301
/documentation/manual/theme-reference/page/using-jquery-and-jquery-tools 1,286
/documentation/error/nonetype-keys 1,278
/documentation/kb/authenticating-with-active-directory 1,278
/documentation/manual/theme-reference/quick-start/change-the-logo 1,278
/documentation/manual/developer-manual/archetypes/referencemanual-all-pages 1,270
/documentation/manual/installing-plone/referencemanual-all-pages 1,262
/documentation/manual/theme-reference/buildingblocks/skin/templates/advanced-usage 1,262
/documentation/kb/flickering-background-images-internet-explorer 1,254
/documentation/kb/creating-a-content-type-for-plone-3-for-developers 1,246
/documentation/kb/svn-import-to-plone-collective-unix 1,238
/documentation/kb/handle-accented-characters-using-utf8-encoding-in-mysql 1,222
/documentation/faq/how-do-i-restart-zope 1,214
/documentation/kb/developing-plone-with-eclipse/creating-a-new-project-and-managing-your-project-with-subclipse 1,206
/documentation/manual 1,198
/documentation/kb/simple-soap-client-using-suds 1,190
/documentation/manual/installing-plone/installation-quick-guide 1,166
/documentation/manual/theme-reference/buildingblocks/skin/style-sheets/css/css-quick-start 1,166
/documentation/kb/replacing-tabs-with-images 1,118
/documentation/manual/developer-manual/archetypes 1,118
/documentation/kb/changing-tabs 1,110
/documentation/kb/collaboration-using-the-sharing-tab/creating-a-simple-intranet 1,086
/documentation/kb/active-directory-authentication 1,078
/documentation/manual/upgrade-guide/version/upgrading-plone-3-x-to-4.0/updating-add-on-products-for-plone-4.0/referencemanual-all-pages 1,078
/documentation/manual/installing-plone/installing-on-linux-unix-bsd/debian-libraries 1,070
/documentation/kb/apache-ssl 1,062
/documentation/kb/enable-indexing-of-pdf-and-word-docs-with-windows-in-five-steps-occurs-three-minutes-without-problems 1,054
/documentation/kb/using-macros-and-metal-in-plone-page-templates 1,046
/documentation/kb/simple-etc-rc-d-init-d-script-for-zeocluster 1,030
2) Top 100 Google Search terms landing on plone.org
Search Term Total Unique Searches
ldap 1,034
diazo 984
forum 946
blog 896
pdf 822
dexterity 780
facebook 763
calendar 722
ploneboard 687
wiki 665
video 659
demo 617
gallery 536
theme 524
collage 521
rss 517
buildout 512
ploneformgen 508
carousel 506
twitter 504
upgrade 492
captcha 477
mobile 449
workflow 447
portlet 444
upload 430
widget 402
form 389
google 371
social 369
menu 367
newsletter 362
editor 354
chat 350
redirect 350
tinymce 346
plone 341
plomino 331
themes 316
active directory 313
jquery 309
navigation 307
search 295
flowplayer 281
linguaplone 279
zope 279
survey 274
image 271
plone.app.theming 271
apache 269
PloneFormGen 268
poi 268
mail 267
dropdown 265
mysql 259
kupu 255
paster 255
collective 254
slideshow 253
fckeditor 247
ckeditor 246
formgen 243
zettwerk 242
intranet 233
portlets 230
backup 229
board 228
hotfix 227
cache 226
webdav 226
database 224
migration 224
xdv 223
maps 222
booking 221
install 213
logo 210
news 208
LDAP 207
flash 200
sql 197
css 196
plumi 195
email 194
photo 194
shop 194
python 193
archetypes 192
collections plone 3 188
portlets in the content column 187
language 185
forms 183
faq 180
getpaid 176
banner 175
discussion 170
Ploneboard 167
security 165
tag 164
raptus 163
3) Top 100 searches performed on plone.org (excluding searches
starting in /products)
Search Term Start Page Total Unique Searches
demo / 224
dexterity / 174
redirect /documentation/kb/redirect-to-a-url-or-default-view 158
portlets in the content column /documentation/kb/changing-tabs 128
upgrade /documentation 123
widget /documentation/manual/developer-manual/archetypes/fields/widgets-reference 116
.pid (entrance) 108
diazo / 108
default.cfg (entrance) 97
ldap / 92
diazo (entrance) 90
themes / 89
dexterity /documentation 88
buildout /documentation 87
facebook / 79
logo / 79
hotfix / 78
mobile / 72
calendar / 71
ploneformgen / 70
theme / 69
demo /documentation 67
forum (entrance) 67
upgrade / 64
wiki / 64
captcha (entrance) 63
workflow /documentation 63
carousel / 60
fckeditor / 58
portlets in the content column (entrance) 58
widget (entrance) 57
blog / 56
collections plone
3 /documentation/kb/enable-collection-indices-fields-for-searching-for-custom-types 56
security / 55
video / 55
buildout / 54
redirect (entrance) 54
zope / 54
ldap /documentation 53
blog (entrance) 52
ldap (entrance) 52
tinymce / 52
migration /documentation 51
plomino / 51
ploneboard / 50
deco / 49
collage / 48
plone.app.theming / 48
rss / 46
workflow / 46
install /documentation 45
paster /documentation/manual/plone-community-developer-documentation/views/browserviews 45
pdf (entrance) 44
pdf / 44
apache / 43
forum / 42
products / 42
using frames in plone (entrance) 42
intranet / 41
xdv / 41
jquery / 40
python / 40
backup /documentation 39
collage (entrance) 39
migration / 39
plone / 39
workflow (entrance) 39
apache (entrance) 38
gallery / 38
generate pdf file (entrance) 38
portlet / 38
dexterity (entrance) 37
getpaid (entrance) 37
mysql / 37
calendar (entrance) 36
navigation (entrance) 36
apache /documentation 35
newsletter / 35
PloneFormGen / 35
twitter / 34
test / 33
webdav / 33
collections plone
3 /documentation/manual/theme-reference/buildingblocks/components/viewletsandportlets 32
ploneboard (entrance) 32
theme (entrance) 32
buildout (entrance) 31
flowplayer / 31
linguaplone / 31
anchors (entrance) 30
captcha /documentation/faq/how-can-i-test-which-version-of-plone-i-have-running 30
conference / 30
diazo /documentation 30
google / 30
nginx / 30
raptus / 30
wiki (entrance) 30
backup / 29
twitter (entrance) 29
paster /documentation 28
portlets / 28
Jon Stahl
MPA Candidate, Evans School of Public Affairs
University of Washington
Try Windows Azure free for 90 days Click Here
Plone-docs mailing list
Mikko Ohtamaa
2012-03-18 04:15:20 UTC
Post by Tom Kapanka
To me, this is another argument for keeping our documentation "local"; we
have access to analytics. Not sure if we can get stats from other areas
like RTD. I can be corrected though.
We have Plone specific Google Analytics tracker on RTD docs.

Post by Tom Kapanka
Post by Jon Stahl
Since we have a bit a conversation starting about Plone documentation,
I though it would be helpful and interesting to share some stats from
Plone.org's Google Analytics account about what people are looking for
and finding w/r/t Plone.org documentation. (If anyone has interesting
stats on our various externally-hosted docs, e.g. RTD, I'd love to get
them or get access to them.)
Our docs section got about 500k visits in the past year originating
with a search (the vast majority of searches from Google, no surprise
there.) We also had about 85k searches on plone.org, excluding
searches originating in the Products section. So, while it is true
that most of people "search plone.org via Google" we are still seeing
a substantial fraction of search usage happening internally. So I
think it is important that we continue to invest in making plone.org
searching as good as it can be.
I also think it is interesting to look at the most commonly used
1) Top 100 Documentation pages reached via external (Google) searches
2) Top 100 Google Search terms landing on plone.org
3) Top 100 searches performed on plone.org (excluding searches
starting in /products)
- Wow, looks like we've SEO-optimized for "xxx," let's slap some ads
up there. ;-)
- lots of interest in ldap, windows, webdav, active directory.
- Also seeing strong interest in diazo, dexterity other core components
- Common features like blogs, forums, handling PDFS, calendars,
facebook, rss
Post by Jon Stahl
- Lots of KB articles in our Top 100, this could be because we've
moved lots of our official manual content off-site.
Anyway, I hope this provides some useful food for thought for
documentation authors, editors and developers.
1) Top 100 Documentation pages reached via external (Google) searches
Landing Page Visits
/documentation/glossary/xxx 20,224
/documentation 10,320
/documentation/kb/webdav 7,364
/documentation/kb/plone-apache/virtualhost 6,885
/documentation/kb/ldap-in-windows 6,517
/documentation/kb/using-pdb 6,278
Post by Jon Stahl
/documentation/kb/single-sign-on-with-active-directory 3,322
/documentation/kb/internet-explorer-invisible-text 3,290
/documentation/kb/installing-a-plone-buildout-on-ubuntu 3,235
Post by Jon Stahl
/documentation/kb/changing-the-admin-password 3,131
Post by Jon Stahl
/documentation/kb/plone-apache/preface 3,035
/documentation/kb/add-ons/installing 3,011
/documentation/kb/backup-plone 2,995
Post by Jon Stahl
Post by Jon Stahl
Post by Jon Stahl
Post by Jon Stahl
/documentation/kb/using-jquery-to-write-dependent-comboboxes 2,580
Post by Jon Stahl
/documentation/movies/ 2,484
Post by Jon Stahl
Post by Jon Stahl
/documentation/kb/plone-with-apache 2,188
Post by Jon Stahl
/documentation/error/attribute-flock 2,132
/documentation/manual/plone-4-user-manual 2,132
/documentation/error/importerror-no-module-named-implpython 2,092
/documentation/kb/singlesignonwindowsdomains 2,068
/documentation/manual/upgrade-guide 1,933
/documentation/error/ie500error 1,893
/documentation/kb/plone-behind-varnish-using-pound-for-ssl 1,845
/products/dexterity/documentation/manual/developer-manual 1,845
/documentation/topic/Configuration+and+Set-Up 1,837
Post by Jon Stahl
/documentation/faq/where-can-i-host-my-plone-site 1,797
/documentation/kb/addiconsortextwithlinks 1,749
/documentation/kb/i18n-for-developers 1,749
Post by Jon Stahl
/documentation/kb/use-paster 1,725
/documentation/faq/what-is-a-cms 1,661
/documentation/kb/setup-from-source 1,661
/documentation/kb/backup-and-recover-data-fs-in-linux 1,653
/documentation/kb/plone-on-debian-etch 1,605
/documentation/kb/redirect-to-a-url-or-default-view 1,605
/documentation/kb/archgenxml-getting-started/relationships 1,597
/documentation/manual/theme-reference 1,597
/documentation/error/ioerror-decoder-jpeg-not-available 1,565
/documentation/kb/secure-login-without-plain-text-passwords 1,565
Post by Jon Stahl
/documentation/kb 1,541
/documentation/kb/change-the-logo-in-plone-3 1,517
/documentation/kb/using-buildout-on-windows 1,517
/documentation/kb/ask-for-help 1,501
Post by Jon Stahl
/documentation/kb/plone-apache 1,357
/documentation/manual/developer-manual 1,341
/documentation/books 1,325
Post by Jon Stahl
Post by Jon Stahl
/documentation/error 1,301
Post by Jon Stahl
Post by Jon Stahl
/documentation/error/nonetype-keys 1,278
/documentation/kb/authenticating-with-active-directory 1,278
Post by Jon Stahl
Post by Jon Stahl
Post by Jon Stahl
Post by Jon Stahl
/documentation/kb/svn-import-to-plone-collective-unix 1,238
Post by Jon Stahl
/documentation/faq/how-do-i-restart-zope 1,214
Post by Jon Stahl
/documentation/manual 1,198
/documentation/kb/simple-soap-client-using-suds 1,190
Post by Jon Stahl
/documentation/kb/replacing-tabs-with-images 1,118
/documentation/manual/developer-manual/archetypes 1,118
/documentation/kb/changing-tabs 1,110
Post by Jon Stahl
/documentation/kb/active-directory-authentication 1,078
Post by Jon Stahl
/documentation/kb/apache-ssl 1,062
Post by Jon Stahl
Post by Jon Stahl
Post by Jon Stahl
2) Top 100 Google Search terms landing on plone.org
Search Term Total Unique Searches
ldap 1,034
diazo 984
forum 946
blog 896
pdf 822
dexterity 780
facebook 763
calendar 722
ploneboard 687
wiki 665
video 659
demo 617
gallery 536
theme 524
collage 521
rss 517
buildout 512
ploneformgen 508
carousel 506
twitter 504
upgrade 492
captcha 477
mobile 449
workflow 447
portlet 444
upload 430
widget 402
form 389
google 371
social 369
menu 367
newsletter 362
editor 354
chat 350
redirect 350
tinymce 346
plone 341
plomino 331
themes 316
active directory 313
jquery 309
navigation 307
search 295
flowplayer 281
linguaplone 279
zope 279
survey 274
image 271
plone.app.theming 271
apache 269
PloneFormGen 268
poi 268
mail 267
dropdown 265
mysql 259
kupu 255
paster 255
collective 254
slideshow 253
fckeditor 247
ckeditor 246
formgen 243
zettwerk 242
intranet 233
portlets 230
backup 229
board 228
hotfix 227
cache 226
webdav 226
database 224
migration 224
xdv 223
maps 222
booking 221
install 213
logo 210
news 208
LDAP 207
flash 200
sql 197
css 196
plumi 195
email 194
photo 194
shop 194
python 193
archetypes 192
collections plone 3 188
portlets in the content column 187
language 185
forms 183
faq 180
getpaid 176
banner 175
discussion 170
Ploneboard 167
security 165
tag 164
raptus 163
3) Top 100 searches performed on plone.org (excluding searches
starting in /products)
Search Term Start Page Total Unique Searches
demo / 224
dexterity / 174
redirect /documentation/kb/redirect-to-a-url-or-default-view 158
portlets in the content column /documentation/kb/changing-tabs 128
upgrade /documentation 123
Post by Jon Stahl
.pid (entrance) 108
diazo / 108
default.cfg (entrance) 97
ldap / 92
diazo (entrance) 90
themes / 89
dexterity /documentation 88
buildout /documentation 87
facebook / 79
logo / 79
hotfix / 78
mobile / 72
calendar / 71
ploneformgen / 70
theme / 69
demo /documentation 67
forum (entrance) 67
upgrade / 64
wiki / 64
captcha (entrance) 63
workflow /documentation 63
carousel / 60
fckeditor / 58
portlets in the content column (entrance) 58
widget (entrance) 57
blog / 56
collections plone
Post by Jon Stahl
security / 55
video / 55
buildout / 54
redirect (entrance) 54
zope / 54
ldap /documentation 53
blog (entrance) 52
ldap (entrance) 52
tinymce / 52
migration /documentation 51
plomino / 51
ploneboard / 50
deco / 49
collage / 48
plone.app.theming / 48
rss / 46
workflow / 46
install /documentation 45
Post by Jon Stahl
pdf (entrance) 44
pdf / 44
apache / 43
forum / 42
products / 42
using frames in plone (entrance) 42
intranet / 41
xdv / 41
jquery / 40
python / 40
backup /documentation 39
collage (entrance) 39
migration / 39
plone / 39
workflow (entrance) 39
apache (entrance) 38
gallery / 38
generate pdf file (entrance) 38
portlet / 38
dexterity (entrance) 37
getpaid (entrance) 37
mysql / 37
calendar (entrance) 36
navigation (entrance) 36
apache /documentation 35
newsletter / 35
PloneFormGen / 35
twitter / 34
test / 33
webdav / 33
collections plone
Post by Jon Stahl
ploneboard (entrance) 32
theme (entrance) 32
buildout (entrance) 31
flowplayer / 31
linguaplone / 31
anchors (entrance) 30
/documentation/faq/how-can-i-test-which-version-of-plone-i-have-running 30
Post by Jon Stahl
conference / 30
diazo /documentation 30
google / 30
nginx / 30
raptus / 30
wiki (entrance) 30
backup / 29
twitter (entrance) 29
paster /documentation 28
portlets / 28
Jon Stahl
MPA Candidate, Evans School of Public Affairs
University of Washington
Post by Jon Stahl
Try Windows Azure free for 90 days Click Here
Plone-docs mailing list
Try Windows Azure free for 90 days Click Here
Plone-docs mailing list
Mikko Ohtamaa
Jon Stahl
2012-03-18 06:03:58 UTC
On Sat, Mar 17, 2012 at 9:15 PM, Mikko Ohtamaa
Post by Mikko Ohtamaa
Post by Tom Kapanka
To me, this is another argument for keeping our documentation "local"; we
have access to analytics.  Not sure if we can get stats from other areas
like RTD.  I can be corrected though.
We have Plone specific Google Analytics tracker on RTD docs.
Cool, I don't see it under the Plone Foundation google analytics
accounts I have access to, could you permission ***@gmail.com to
see it?

Mikko Ohtamaa
2012-03-18 14:50:00 UTC
Done! Can you further delegate to access website team members (not sure
what's the process here)
Post by Jon Stahl
On Sat, Mar 17, 2012 at 9:15 PM, Mikko Ohtamaa
Post by Mikko Ohtamaa
Post by Tom Kapanka
To me, this is another argument for keeping our documentation "local";
Post by Mikko Ohtamaa
Post by Tom Kapanka
have access to analytics. Not sure if we can get stats from other areas
like RTD. I can be corrected though.
We have Plone specific Google Analytics tracker on RTD docs.
Cool, I don't see it under the Plone Foundation google analytics
see it?
Mikko Ohtamaa