I seem to have stepped into a minefield. :) =20
I come in peace! I was just sharing my reaction to how I would have =
to install a bunch of software on a computer, and learn a bunch of ne=
w things ("new" meaning "not Plone"), and, yes, I'm a techie but I st=
ill want to do as little extra work as possible. Dylan, it's not tha=
t I or other technical contributors CAN'T learn restructured text, bu=
t that we'd have to use git or svn or Sphinx, and those tools are not=
as easy to use as Plone or cnx.org. =20
Ideally, contributors would have as low a barrier as possible, to avo=
id discouraging them from contributing. When I contribute a "how to"=
to my own site (uwosh.edu/ploneprojects) I don't even want to have t=
o THINK, so I have a link on the site that takes me to the how to fol=
der's createObject call. That's what I mean by making it super super=
easy... frictionless, superconducting, K-Y for process. :)
Alex, yes I could just forge ahead but I know the only efforts that w=
ork long term are those that gain wide acceptance. It would be self =
defeating for the Plone community to have competing documentation pro=
cesses and venues.
How about this: I will take a portion of the Plone user manual and ge=
t it into cnx.org, then show y'all what I think are the cool things o=
ne can do with it there.
About hosting documentation (which, to quibble, doesn't have quite th=
e same meaning to me as "deployment") I was also thinking about a rep=
o for configuration files. Is there such a thing already? I think i=
t should be outside the documentation, since documentation such as ma=
nuals/guides are linear.
Post by T. Kim NguyenThanks Dylan.
I'm afraid that contributors (including me) will be scared off by =
the fairly complex learning and setup required to add to this documen=
tation (Sphinx, collective commit rights, svn, restructured text) as =
opposed to editing a Plone page (or equivalent).
Post by T. Kim Nguyen=20
Is the http://collective-docs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/hosting/in=
dex.html documentation updated the same way?
Yup, and this is exactly why we've been stalled on documentation fo=
years now. We have two competing camps who have very strong prefere=
about how they contribute/edit documentation[1]. The c-docs are the=
"excitement" we've seen lately IMHO.
The good news though, is that GitHub actually supports TTW editing.=
in the case of the hosting docs Dylan just mentioned, one could edi=
Of course, you'd have to be familiar with restructured text, but th=
at is=20
a fair compromise IMHO (I.e. you don't have to understand Sphinx or=
collective commit rights at least.)
Anyway, if we want to encourage folks to contribute docs on plone.o=
rg by=20
using Plone, then we should be doing a much better job at managing=
plone.org. Maybe the connexions thing could solve or address this=
somehow (by lightening the plone.org/PHC load.) *shrug*
[1] I feel pretty strongly that the FWT should grab some sane set o=
documentation from the various offerings and ship it, versioned, wi=
each major release of Plone. But I've not gotten enough buy in to=
consider an actual PLIP (where I'd happily do the work.)
Post by T. Kim Nguyen=20
My opinion (and keep in mind it is just my opinion) is that the p=
lace for this and all future development manual work should be
Post by T. Kim Nguyen=20
Post by T. Kim Nguyen=20
which is edited via reST and sphinx and github as per these instr=
Post by T. Kim Nguyen=20
NOTE: at the time of writing this that document is out of date an=
d the secondary copy at readthedocs is now more up to date.
Post by T. Kim Nguyenhttp://collective-docs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/introduction/wri=
ting.html. We're working on fixing this so the plone.org version woul=
d be updated nightly.
Post by T. Kim Nguyen=20
My suggestion is we deprecate all other developer manuals and KB =
articles which overlap with the collective developer manual and conce=
ntrate on cleaning up and making this manual both clean, easy to unde=
rstand and comprehensive.
Post by T. Kim Nguyen=20
With regard to deployment I'd suggest we enhance the "hosting" se=
ction of this manual
Post by T. Kim Nguyen=20
Post by T. Kim Nguyen=20
Note: these comments don't apply to the users manual or other kin=
ds of documentation.
Post by T. Kim Nguyen=20
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