[Plone-docs] screencasts
2012-11-03 11:42:59 UTC
hey everyone,

i was thinking about screencasts ... do we want them in generally ? for
example link to them on d.p.o ?
if so, do we have something like an collective account on youtube, vimeo
or somewhere else ? i do like the idea to keep them on/in one place :)

so what do you think ?


Maurizio Delmonte
2012-11-03 15:45:19 UTC
Hi Sven,
talking about screencasts (and videos, I would add) you're pointing two
different aspects:

a. I'd love to join a community effort to produce screencasts showing what
you can do with Plone (to me, this is in between documentation and
communication/marketing areas)

b. I'm +1 for the Foundation to activate the Plone accounts on
youtube/vimeo/.. and delegate their management to
communication/marketing/documentation groups

Actually, I would have pushed on this specific topic myself along the next
months, as soon as other high priority efforts would have reached a more
stable point (i.e. plone.com project).

In this sense (but no need to mix up with this thread), I'd also love to
restart from this mail by Jean Jordaan:
talks are often good for documentation, too)

Post by sven
hey everyone,
i was thinking about screencasts ... do we want them in generally ? for
example link to them on d.p.o ?
if so, do we have something like an collective account on youtube, vimeo
or somewhere else ? i do like the idea to keep them on/in one place :)
so what do you think ?
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Maurizio Delmonte - [***@abstract.it]

Abstract Open Solutions [http://www.abstract.it] - Tel: +39 081 06 08 213

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