+1 on what Gert says.
The old "listserv vs. forum" conversation...some prefer one, some prefer
the other.
I don't go to forums, but mail comes to my inbox, that works better for me.
posts in a forum UI.
John S.
Post by GertHi!
Post by svenHey,
I would like to suppose that we move from this list to
community.plone.org, there is already a category for us.
I think moving there could make it easier for people to join, because
the entry level to join is lower than signing up to a list :)
If you are using only one mailinglist there is no problem switching to a
forum. I am using more than 10 (and as I have learned, there are many
people using many more), I can update tham all with one click in my
mailclient. Then I can read them whereever I want with one GUI, without
having to be online (train, park, ...).
... More than 10 logins,
... more than 10 GUIs (O.K., not every has its own GUI, but many do),
... having to be online to read and write,
... needing www-access (mail-forwarding into company is not enough).
just my 2ct,
Post by sven...
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